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How to Start a Fitness Journey



Fitness can be overwhelming. Scroll through Instagram for two minutes to find five conflicting views about the best form of cardio. Or, which foods are the best for weight loss. Or, which exercises are best for building glutes. Our digital world, although sometimes helpful, makes things complicated. Wouldn’t you say? 

That being said, I’m here to be your trusted resource. I started in square one. I’ve been in your shoes. Through years of trial and error, personal experience, and professional education, I’ve learned how to start a successful fitness journey. 

Now, I want to help you!

5 Steps to Starting Your Fitness Journey

Getting started with your fitness journey is the most challenging step. Once you get in the groove, it’ll be hard to quit! Here are five simple steps to get you started on the right track:

  1. Set Goals

Goal setting is a skill in and of itself. And an important one, at that. However, random or generalized goals won’t cut it. I recommend setting S.M.A.R.T. goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely). Why? Because S.M.A.R.T. goals are proven to be effective in keeping you accountable and on track to meeting your goals.  Here are some examples of S.M.A.R.T. goals:

  • Drinking >64 ounces of filtered water every day. 
  • Running for 20 minutes twice a week.
  • Increasing in the amount of weight you lift by 2-5 pounds each week.
  • Participating in some type of exercise 4 days per week.  
  1. Create a Routine 

Fail to prepare and prepare to fail. Planning ahead, creating a routine, and sticking to it is the key to any fitness journey. To best follow a routine, consider:

  • Schedule your workout in your calendar 
  • Use a workout planner or app
  • Plan or follow a specific workout program

Click here to download my FREE WEEKLY FITNESS PLANNER to help you achieve your goals!

  1. Don’t Negotiate

This goes for yourself and others. Once you’ve committed to your S.M.A.R.T. goal, there are no if’s, and’s, or but’s. No excuses. Period. It might sound harsh, but consistency is key. It’s what it takes to develop a new habit and actually achieve your goal. 

  1. Try a New Activity

When most of us think “workout,” we think about hours running on the treadmill or wasting  away in the gym days on end. Lucky for us, there are so many different kinds of workouts, nowadays. If you hate running,  do something else instead! Finding a workout that you love will ensure you stick with it in the long run. To help you think out-of-the-box, here are some unusual workouts for you to try:

  • Horseback riding
  • Boxing/kick-boxing
  • Hot yoga
  • Aquatics 
  • Mountain biking
  • Surfing
  • Rollerblading
  • Dancing
  • Crossfit

*Try at your own risk.

  1. Develop a Strong WHY

Your “why” keeps your wheels spinning. Essentially, it keeps the motivation alive. So, what is your why? Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • To reap the benefits of more energy and better sleep
  • To manage mental health and relieve stress 
  • To help with weight loss
  • To better serve your family
  • To run the marathon of your dreams 
  • To prioritize self care

While starting your fitness journey might sound intimidating, these five steps will get you on your way in no time. Think about it this way: you’ll have to start someday, so why not today?

Here’s to you- to taking the scariest step and making your dreams a reality!