
6 Morning Habits to Start Your Day Right

I’m a firm believer in the power of morning habits and routines. In fact, starting your day with a morning routine is one of the best ways to set the stage for a healthy and productive day. But, don’t take my word for it. According to Nami (National Alliance on Mental Illness), “Having a morning routine can increase your energy, productivity and positivity. It also generates momentum, building up to the brain’s peak time for cognitive work.” I don’t know about you, but you can sign me up for improved energy, mood, and productivity! 

Why I Like My Morning Routine

Personally, I thrive on a morning routine. Over the years, I’ve crafted a morning routine out of the habits that suit me best. While each individual habit might seem small, they really do add up. Together, these morning habits prepare my mind and body for the day ahead- especially when I know I have an upcoming 12 hour nurse shift.

Below. I’ve shared the morning habits that work best for me. However, I encourage you to figure out what works best for you! Through trial and error, you can learn about what fuels, motivates, and encourages you well.

Do Habits Actually Matter?

Short answer: Yes! 

Long answer: Yes! Little by little, our everyday actions (AKA our habits) determine who we are and how we live. And it’s up to each of us to use our actions for good, not evil. As mentioned above, healthy morning habits have been shown to boost energy, mood, productivity, and more. In addition, a consistent morning routine has been associated with:

  • Reduced stress
  • Better time management 
  • Improved overall health
  • Better sleep

So, what are you waiting for?

Morning Habits to Start Your Day

If you’re ready to build your morning routine, but aren’t quite sure how to start, consider practicing these healthy morning habits. Start with just one or two and slowly incorporate more habits into your morning routine: 

  • Quiet Time

First thing in the morning, before anything else, spend a few minutes resting in the peace and quiet. This is a great time for meditation, journaling, or prayer.

  • Hydration

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: hydration is key to health! After your morning quiet time, make it a priority to drink 10-20+ ounces of filtered water. You can even add fresh squeezed lemon or ACV to spice it up! After 8+ hours of sleep, you can bet your body is in dire need of some hydration.

  • Morning Movement

Engaging in any kind of morning movement has been shown to decrease body weight and improve overall health. Before heading off to work or school for the day, make time for a HIIT workout, stretching and mobility, yoga routine, or a walk outside. You choose the most fitting movement for you and your goals! 

  • Slow Coffee

Personally, this is the best part of my morning routine! I schedule time in the morning to sip and savor my favorite coffee in my favorite little nook. It’s just so much more enjoyable drinking coffee relaxed at home, instead of rushed on the road. 

  • Phone Boundaries

Set phone boundaries for your morning time. Do your best to avoid looking at your phone right away. Give yourself at least 30-60 minutes before clicking on that Instagram or email app. There’s nothing quite like waking up to the latest work emergency or national crisis. Chances are, whatever it is, it can wait until you’re fully awake and ready for the day.

  • Goals and Intentions

Before diving into the day, set positive intentions and goals for the day ahead. Consider your to-do list, work projects, event commitments, etc. Setting daily goals is a great way to stay productive. 

As we now know, developing a morning routine is the best way to start the day. So, do you have a favorite morning routine? Share yours, below!

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