The days are starting to get shorter, darker, and colder as we head into the winter months. This makes it harder and harder to stay motivated to work out. The dark and cold days make it really difficult to get moving. However, with a few adjustments and simple strategies it is possible to stay motivated and avoid the winter workout rut! Here are my tips on how to stay on track and reach your fitness goals this winter!

8 Ways to Stay Motivated This Winter:
1. Invest in Some Cute Workout Clothes and Shoes: When you buy new outfits to workout in, you’re going to want to wear them, which means you’ll be that much more motivated to exercise! It’s not always realistic financially to buy new workout clothes, but it’s nice to treat yourself yourself here and there, especially as a reward for working hard towards your goals!
Some of my favorite activewear brands include: Lululemon, Calia by Carrie, Athleta, and Zella by Nordstrom. For lifting my favorite shoes are Nike Metcons and running my favorite shoes are Saucony. What are your favorite activewear brands?
2. Workout in the morning. Getting your workout done first thing in the morning is super helpful in the dark winter months when your motivation to workout fades as the day goes on. Of course, for some people this time frame may not always be possible. But when you can, try squeezing in a workout in the morning before you start your day. It will help you check it off your to- do list and make the rest of your day a lot easier.
2. Write Down Your Workouts. Buy a journal or a planner, or even use your Google calendar to schedule your workouts for the week! Once you have them written down on paper, you can cross off each day. You can also use a journal to write down how you feel after your workout. On the days when you’re feeling a little less motivated, take out your journal and read all of the things you wrote down previously and use those as motivation!
3. Switch Up Your Workouts: If you’re bored with your same workout routine, switch up your workouts! Add in a group class 1-2x week if gyms are open near you. Or if you don’t feel comfortable going to the gym, try a new online class. There are so many free classes available online right now. Maybe you’ll end up finding a new class that you really enjoy!
4. Find Fitness Inspo: When I was first getting into a consistent morning gym routine on the west coast, I would hop on my phone first thing in the morning and see everyone on the east coast finishing their morning workout. It always inspired me to get my butt out of bed to the gym or on the pavement running! I highly recommend following people who inspire and motivate you on social media. Some of my favorite fitness and wellness accounts include: @whitneyysimmons and @sarahs_day.
5. Have a Goal to Reach For: Signing up for races in the spring has always been a huge motivator for me. But what if you don’t run or races are cancelled this year? Virtual races are an option right now and can be your motivation to train during the winter months. And if you’re not a runner, are there any fitness challenges online you can join to help keep you accountable? If not, set up a mini- challenge for yourself! For example, you could aim to workout 5x / week and have a little prize at the end of 8 weeks for accomplishing that goal!
Remember to set realistic goals though! If you currently workout 2x / week then setting a goal for 6 days / week might be too much at first. Try increasing your workouts to 3x/ week then as you get comfortable with that routine you can always add more, Also, remember to write your goals down so you can revisit them daily.
6. Eat Healthy! When you eat unhealthy, processed, and high-sugar foods, your body doesn’t get the energy it needs to workout. These foods make you feel tired, sluggish, and unmotivated. Try to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and veggies, and enough carbs, protein, and healthy fats. You’ll feel better with a well rounded nutrition plan and have more energy to crush your fitness goals!
7. Work out in your living room. The good news is that you don’t have to leave the house and head into the cold to workout this winter. There are so many free or reasonably priced workouts and workout apps available online right now that can take place right in the comfort of your own home!
8. Make a Kickass Playlist! Having a good playlist is always a huge motivator for me to go workout! I’m always so excited when I have new music to listen to! If you’re looking for a new playlist- follow me on Spotify and check out my Winter Training Playlist. I love putting new playlists together! You can even listen to it on the way to the gym or as you’re getting ready at home to help motivate you and get you ready to move your body!