So you’ve decided you want to work with a personal trainer. So exciting! Now the tough part- finding someone who is the right fit for you! So what should you be looking for?!
1. CREDENTIALS/ SPECIALITY- It’s important to work with someone who is certified and has experience. I say this because it’s easy for a trainer to look legit on Instagram. Find out what they went to school for or if they have any fitness certifications. If a trainer has taken the time to get certified, you can expect a higher depth of knowledge, which overall leads to better training.
Some certifications include:
- National Academy of Sports Medicine
- National Strength and Conditioning Association
- American College of Sports Medicine
- American Council on Exercise
Also, with a certification comes CEUs, which means in order to maintain that certification, the trainer has to stay up to date on the latest research and trends in fitness. For example, I got my personal training certification through NASM (National Academy for Sports Medicine). Every 2 years NASM requires you to renew the certification by obtaining CEUs, to help you stay educated on the latest research in fitness. I decided to obtain my CEUs by taking a coarse in nutrition coaching to better help my clients.
If you find someone you want to train with, be sure to also ask them their area of expertise or specialty. For example, if you’re looking for someone to help you with strength workouts for marathon training, look for someone who has experience working with runners or athletes.
2. PERSONALITY- How do you like to be motivated? Are you the type of person who likes to be yelled at and pushed? or maybe you do better with praise, support, and encouragement. When you’re looking for a trainer be sure to ask them how they typically train their clients and see if it works for you.
3. READ REVIEWS- Read reviews and testimonials online and ask for referrals from past clients to help get as much information as possible before hiring a trainer.
4. TRAINING STYLE- Is the program gym- based, home- based, outdoors, or will you be using machines or dumbbells only? Find out how the trainer programs their workouts and see if it makes sense with your goals.
5. COST- Before you begin your search for a personal trainer, figure out your budget and what you can afford. Also, decide if you want online training or in- person. Typically online training is going to cost a lot less since the trainer doesn’t have to physically be there.
6. AVAILABILITY- Ask about the trainer’s schedule. How many clients do they have and what time slots do they have available? If you’re looking for online personal training, find out how many times you’re required to check- in with your trainer and how many face time or zoom sessions you will have with them, whether it’s weekly or monthly. If you’re training in person, be sure to ask them their cancellation policy. This is a HUGE one. You may still be charged if you don’t cancel your session by a certain time.
7. PROGRESS– How does the trainer plan on tracking your progress? Will they be requesting check- in photos weekly, weekly weight check-ins, strength gains in the gym, etc?

That’s all I’ve got! At the end of the day, find someone who you feel will be a good fit for you. Someone who is going to motivate you and push you to be your best self!