
How to Reset When You Feel Overwhelmed

Our world is overwhelming. There’s no doubt about it. And, unfortunately, our overly busy lifestyles don’t do us any favors. As a result, feelings of overwhelm can be challenging to overcome. Yet, it’s not impossible. I’ve learned this first hand.

Common Causes of Overwhelm

With our ever busy, on-the-go world lifestyles, feelings of overwhelm are not hard to come by. In fact, I can confidently say most Americans experience overwhelm chronically. That is, on a consistent basis. After all, our wheels are spinning 24/7. How could we not?

However, once we identify the source of our overwhelm, we can intentionally make changes in our lives to reduce these chronic feelings. In general, these are common causes of chronic overwhelm to identify and address:

  • Poor planning and time management
  • Over-commitment
  • Lack of organization
  • Lack of focus
  • Big life changes
  • Unhealthy relationships

Do any of these ring a bell? Once you know the root cause of your overwhelm, you can work towards healing.

How to Reset When You Feel Overwhelmed

Given the prevalence of overwhelm in our world today, it’s important to know how to reset when life gets the best of you. These are tried-and-true tricks to help you overcome feelings of overwhelm:

  • Get Organized– Focus on organization- at work, home, etc. Tackle the small tasks first, before moving onto larger tasks. While writing lists might sound trivial, they are extremely effective at increasing organization.
  • Journal– Journaling is an effective way to relieve stress. By writing down your feelings and stressors, you can move through feelings of overwhelm.
  • Plan Your Week– Use your phone calendar or paper calendar to plan your week in advance. Don’t forget to schedule “me time” everyday, if only for 10-15 minutes. Include all appointments, meetings, travels, social events, etc.
  • Control What You Can– While you can’t control every aspect of your life, there are many things you can control. Focus on those things, such as: tidying up the house, organizing paperwork, doing the dishes, managing your schedule, etc.
  • Relax and Recharge– Rest does wonder for an overwhelmed mind, body, and soul. How do you best relax and recharge? Examples include: working out, reading, taking a bubble bath, applying a face mask, or simply doing whatever makes you feel good.
  • Talk To a Loved One– Having a strong support system around you is instrumental. In times of overwhelm, don’t be afraid to rely on your loved ones. After all, that’s what they’re there for!
  • Learn to Say “No”– As previously mentioned, over-committing yourself to events, tasks, etc. is a top source of overwhelm. Know your limits and learn to say “no.” It’s one of the best things you can do for your mental health.
  • Take A Nap– Without a doubt, a nap always helps me overcome feelings of overwhelm. Maybe it provides a natural mental reset or maybe it goes to show how beneficial sleep is for our mental and physical health. A short nap (10-20 minutes) is powerful!

Feelings of overwhelm might be common, today, but it is possible to overcome them. When we learn to slow down, be present, and take care of yourself, feelings over overwhelm melt away.

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