
Tips to Stay on Track While Traveling

Healthy Tips for Traveling

The Summer season is quickly approaching, which means the travel season is here! While I love a Summer getaway as much as the next person, I’m very intentional about keeping my health goals in mind while traveling. Over the years, I’ve found a sweet balance between enjoying my vacation and staying on track with my goals.

Why Your Health Matters During Vacation

Times of travel provide an easy excuse to let go of your daily limitations and simply enjoy life, right? Absolutely, yes. After all, vacation is meant for relaxation, rejuvenation, and fun! However, it’s easy to let yourself go a little too much on vacation, making it even more difficult to get back on track when you return home.

In my professional and personal opinion, it’s wise and strategic to stay on track with your health goals during your travels. Here’s why: 

  • – Your health isn’t of less importance just because you’re on vacation.
  • – Getting too far off track during vacation sets you up for a rude awakening when you get back to normal life.
  • – You can stay on track, while still enjoying yourself and making the most of your vacation!

Healthy Tips for Traveling

Vacation is no excuse for unhealthy behaviors when your health is a top priority. No matter your health goals, it is possible to enjoy vacation, while keeping your health in mind with these tips:

  • Hydrate all day long. Hydration is the most important way to prioritize your health on vacation. Sweating, being in the sun, drinking alcohol, and eating sugar are the quickest ways to dehydrate your body. So, carry water (plus, electrolytes) wherever you go.
  • Bring healthy snacks. Whether you’re staying at a hotel, Airbnb, or with friends/family, bring your healthy snacks with you. If necessary, stop at the local grocery store when you arrive at your destination. My favorites include: oatmeal packets, natural protein bars, trail mix, protein powder, and green powders.
  • Focus on protein. When you eat out, make sure to order meals with a hefty dose of protein, such as fish, beef, chicken, or eggs. This will help keep you satiated, while balancing your blood sugar levels.
  • Workouts before you go. If you know you won’t have access to a gym on your trip, front load your workouts before you leave. 
  • Get movement in every day. Even if you don’t workout while out-of-town, do your best to stay active. Walk to restaurants, explore new cities by foot or bike, or enjoy a run.
  • Bring resistance bands/ sliders. If you have time to workout during your trip, resistance bands and slides make for a great hotel workout, when a gym isn’t available. Also, you can incorporate body weight exercises.
  • Remember to enjoy your trip! After all, you’re likely going on vacation to enjoy yourself, so don’t forget to make the best of it. Make time for the things you enjoy most! Indulge in extra rest, delicious food, and your favorite activities.
Tulum Jungle Gym
Running in Sydney Australia

Happy traveling! 

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