
How to Fit a Workout Routine into a Busy Schedule

Some days there is never enough time to fit in work or school, family, friends, hobbies, pets, and a workout. Life always seems to get busier and busier. I’ve put together some tips on how to fit in a workout routine even when your schedule is crazy!

1. Make Your Workouts Quick and Efficient
If you’re able to, you may want to consider switching things up when you’re extra busy by doing a short, high-intensity workout instead of a something longer. On your super busy days, try a 15-minute HIIT workout instead. Save your long we muscle group specific workouts or long runs for less busy days when you have more time.

2. Start Waking Up a Little Bit Earlier to Exercise in the Morning
If your schedule allows you to wake up an hour earlier every day, start doing it. It will be tough in the beginning, but as with anything else, you will eventually get used to it. When you work out first thing in the morning, you eliminate the possibility that your busy schedule will get in the way. Working out first thing in the morning lets you enjoy the day without your workout hanging over your head. Also, try to prep as much as you can the night before so you have time in the morning. Set out your workout clothes and work clothes, prep your breakfast, set your coffee maker, and whatever you need to do to make mornings a little easier. 

3. Do something you ENJOY. It’s much easier to make time for a workout when you’re doing something you like doing. For example: if you hate running, don’t force yourself to go for a run! You don’t want to do it, so you’re more likely to come up with an excuse as to why you shouldn’t. Find a workout that you love and stick to that. If it’s something you’re looking forward to, you’re more likely to do it.

4. Break a Sweat at Home. Last year was definitely the year of working out at home. If you’ve been struggling to maintain a routine though because of your busy schedule or lack of motivation being at home then maybe it’s time to start a new program that will motivate you! Search for a new online trainer or online classes that you haven’t tried before. There are tons and tons of fitness apps to download that offer great at-home workouts, like Fit Revolution. You can find me there teaching strength and HIIT workouts! Right now when you sign up, you get 2 weeks free, plus 10% your first month!

5. Choose Something Over Nothing. This goes back to tip number 1. Sometimes you don’t have 30 minutes to complete a workout, which is totally OK! Squeeze in a workout when you can. It may be during lunch time or when your little ones go to bed! Sometimes I my workout is only a 15 min Peloton ride when I’m really short on time. I always feel better moving my body than doing nothing at all.

6. Schedule Your Workout! Write your workouts down in a planner or your online calendar and schedule them throughout the week like you would with an appointment or meeting. That way, it feels like something you can’t easily cancel at the last moment. Now you can plan everything else around them!

By figuring out a workout schedule that you can actually keep long-term, fitness will starting becoming part of your life. I hope these tips helped! Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions!

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